The product is a serum-free medium designed for primary culture of rat and murine neurons, and is suited for culturing cells of the central nervous system. The product contains culture supernatant of rat glial cells.



Rapid production of mature neurons

Approximately 1/2 of conventional culture method

Neuron culture medium: 14 days

Conventional culture medium: approximately 1 month


Low density culture

1/5 - 1/10 the number of cells compared with conventional methods

Neuron culture medium: 0.1 ×106 cells/mL

Conventional culture medium: 0.5~1.0×106 cells/mL



Cells can be cultured with the culture medium alone, with no need for additional supplements.

Confirming dendrite outgrowth

NS Basal Medium is a chemically-defined synthetic medium optimized for culturing nerve cells. NS Supplement is a serum-free supplement (containing retinyl acetate) specifically designed for supporting the growth of nerve cells. When mixed together, they can be used for culturing a variety of nerve cells, including rat hippocampal neurons and neural stem cells.

Primary Culture of Rat Hippocampal Neurons

Rat hippocampal neurons isolated from E19 embryos were cultured using poly-L-lysine-coated microtiter plates. 
The morphology of these neurons was analyzed on day 6. We also examined the expression of the neuronal markers MAP2(a+b) and the glial marker GFAP on day 21

Day 6


< Growth Medium >
NS Basal Medium containing 2% NS Supplement and 0.5 mM L-glutamine

< Seeding Density >
13,000cells/well(96well plate)

Day 21


Primary Culture of Rat Cortical Neurons

Primary cortical neurons isolated from E17 rat embryos were cultured using poly-L-lysine-coated microtiter plates. 
The morphology of these neurons was analyzed on day 8. We also examined the expression of the neuronal markers MAP2(a+b) and the glial marker GFAP on day 14.

Day 8


< Growth Medium >
NS Basal Medium containing 2% NS Supplement and 0.5 mM L-glutamine

< Seeding Density >
60,000cells/well(96well plate)


Day 14




The original recipe reported by the Miyawaki team in 2011 termed Scale was an aqueous solution based on urea that limited because the transparency process itself can damage the structures under study.
The research team spent 5 years improving the effectiveness of the original recipe to overcome this critical challenge, and the result is ScaleS, (we called SCALEVIEW-S) a new technique with many practical applications. SCALEVIEW-S creates transparent brains with minimal tissue damage, that can handle both florescent and immunohistochemical labeling techniques, and is even effective in older animals.
The new technique creates transparent brain samples that can be stored in SCALEVIEW-S solution for more than a year without damage. Internal structures maintain their original shape and brains are firm enough to permit the micron-thick slicing necessary for more detailed analyses.

Data provided by Dr. Hiroshi Hama, Tetsushi Hoshida and Dr. Atsushi Miyawaki, Laboratory for Cell Function Dynamics, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN Biotechnological Optics Research Team, Center for Advanced Photonics, RIKEN Cooperation with Olympus

Iba1 is a calcium-binding protein with a molecular weight of 17,000 specifically expressed in macrophage/microglia. Recently, microglia has attracted attentions because neurological damage effect by production of NO, TNF-α, and IL-1β have been proved in addition to its role in neurotrophic effects/neuroprotective actions. These products are antibodies that specifically recognize Iba1, and are available for a microglial marker.
In particular, "Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for immunocytochemistry) Code No. 019-19741" is used by many worldwide researchers as a standard for microglial marker antibody. There are also many references in major journals such as Nature, Cell etc.

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