PrimeSurface® cultureware are ultra low attachment (ULA) dishes and plates that promote scaffold free, self assembly of spheroid formation. The plates are pre-coated with unique ultra hydrophilic polymer that enables spontaneous spheroid formation of uniform size and shape. These ULA plates have high optical clarity making them highly suitable for bright field imaging and confocal microscopy. In addition to the widely used 96 well U bottom plate, 96 well plates are also available in V and M bottom, giving scientists a choice to form tighter spheroids that are needed for specific cell types. For high throughput screening (HTS) needs, 384 well plates are available in clear and white.
“We’ve used the S-BIO PrimeSurface spheroid 96 V bottom plates in formation of brain organoids. PrimeSurface (MS9096VZ) plates were an essential component for aggregation of stem cells into embryoid bodies to initiate organoid development.”
Rami Tshuva , Weizmann Institute of Science
- Various well bottom shapes of ULA plates provide options for optimum spheroid growth and compactness for different cell types. V bottom and M (Spindle) bottom wells form tighter spheroids and are a preferred choice for some cell types.
- Uniform single spheroid formation in each well
- Plates are available in 96 well and 384 well formats
- Clear ULA Plates and White ULA plates are available
- Stable, non-cytotoxic and cell non-adhesion surface
- Easy handling, compatible with liquid robotic system
- Sterilized individual packaging
Time-lapse imaging of human iPS cells spheroid (embryoid body) formation
- Culture plate:PrimeSurface MS-9096V
- Cells:hiPS cell (201B7: Takahashi K et al. Cell, 2007 Nov 30;131(5):861-72, iPS Academia Japan, Inc.)
- Seeding density:9,000 cells/well
- Culture medium:DMEM/F12 + 20% (v/v) KSR + 1% (v/v) NEAA + L-Glutamine (2mM) + Β-Mercaptethanol (80μM) + Y-27632(30μM)
- Culture environment:5%CO2, 37°C
Application example of hES cells differentiation using PrimeSurface®
Self-formation of neural retina tissue from the aggregate of human ES cells by using PrimeSurface MS-9096V

Culture plate: PrimeSurface MS-9096V
Cell type: Human ES cells (KhES-1 strain)
Seeding density: 9,000 cells/well
Culture medium: GMEM+KSR+NEAA+2ME+ 20uM Y-27632
Culture environment: 5%CO2, 37°C
Data resource
Picture a-c: Division of Human Stem Cell Technology RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Self-Formation of Optic Cups and Storable Stratified Neural Retina from Human ESCs; NakanoT, Ando S, Takata N, Kawada M, Muguruma K, Sekiguchi K, Saito K, Yonemura S, Eiraku M, Sasai Y; Cell Stem Cell, 10 (6), 771-785 (2012)
Evaluation example of anticancer drug efficacy by using PrimeSurface®

Cell Type: MCF-7 (Human breast cancer cell)
Anticancer drug: 5-Fluorouracil (5FU)
Data resource
Nishio Lab., Department of Genome Biology, Kinki University School of Medicine